Here are various departments through which any believer can serve; advancing the Kingdom and the Gospel of Christ.
Reward is inevitable for a faithful steward!
Children's Department/Ministry
Children’s Church runs concurrently with Sunday Services from 11.20am to 12.20pm. Each session usually involves praise and worship, Bible teachings and prayer with related activities or games.
Elders' Group
RCCG GGA Elders group was created in February 2016 . There is a popular saying that “aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength”.
Evangelism Team
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Good Women's Fellowship
God Almighty is at the center of all we do, the first and the last of everything we represent. As good women we stand together in prayer, caring, encouraging and educating one another…
Media Team
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Ministerial Team
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Prayer Team
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Royal Men’s Council
The Royal Men Council of GGA is a department of the church dedicated to developing the spiritual and physical well being of all the men in the church and the church at large. We are a group…
Sound Team
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Ushering Team
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Welfare Team
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Youth Group
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